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Friday, April 29, 2011

Ophelia Entry #7

Today the king found out about the dad's  death and the queen found out that Hamlet is completely crazy because he was talking to his father ghost and she wants to help him. Hamlet is gonna go to England and the King is afraid Hamlet might kill him because he thinks Hamlet knows the truth about how his father really died. Now that my dad is gone im starting to get crazy too, I think im going to die soon...

Ophelia Entry #6

Today Hamlet went to go see his mother but when he was on his way there he saw the king praying saying that he didn't wanted to kill his brother and that he left guilty. Hamlet was going to kill him but then he was thinking about his father and he said that he didn't wanted to be a murderer. When Hamlet was at his mother room he was talking to her and my dad was hidden when Hamlet mom started screaming my dad screamed too and he got killed by Hamlet.

Ophelia Entry #5

Today my father wanted me to pretend that I was reading a book while he and the king hid to find out Hamlet's  behavior he starts saying that he never gave me gifts or presents and that all this time he was lying to me. He also said that he never loved me and that i shouldn't trust any man because all are the same.

Ophelia Entry #4

Today I was in my room when Reynaldo had visited my father and then Hamlet comes to my room and scarred me by his strange behavior and then after Reynaldo left I went to  tell my father of what happened between me and Hamlet. Hamlet changed a lot he was crazy, the king and dad dad thinks that he is crazy because he is in love with me.

Ophelia Entry #3

Today I found out that Hamlet went to go see the ghost that looked like the king. Hamlet had followed his father directions and the Ghost had told him that he was not killed by a poisonous snake, but he had been poisonous murder by Claudius by putting poison in his ear while he was sleeping and Hamlet swear that he will get revenge. The guards asked Hamlet what happened and Hamlet asked them to swear to not tell anyone about what they are about to hear from Hamlet and not to say anything if he starts acting weird.

Polonius' Advices To Laertes

  • Don’t say what you’re thinking, and don’t be too quick to act on what you think.
  • Be friendly to people but don’t overdo it.Once you’ve tested out your friends and found them trustworthy, hold onto them. But don’t waste your time shaking hands with every new guy you meet.
  • Don’t be quick to pick a fight, but once you’re in one, hold your own.
  • Listen to many people, but talk to few. Hear everyone’s opinion, but reserve your judgment.
  • Spend all you can afford on clothes, but make sure they’re quality, not flashy, since clothes make the man—which is doubly true in France.
  • Don’t borrow money and don’t lend it, since when you lend to a friend, you often lose the friendship as well as the money, and borrowing turns a person into a spendthrift.
  • And, above all, be true to yourself. Then you won’t be false to anybody else.

Ophelia Entry #2

Today my brother, Laertes is leaving to move on with his life but before he leaves, he says his good-bye to me and give me advices when I'm with Hamlet and later father comes in and sees that Laertes is still here and not on board in the ship. After my brother lefted, my father gives me advices and he also is worried about me being alone with Hamlet. My brother says to not believe Hamlet because he is going to lie to me and that all man are like that.